Home care

Home care

Homecare Physio specialises in providing Physiotherapy care to clients in their home. We cater for those people who cannot, or find it difficult to attend a Physiotherapy practice.

Our Physiotherapists are dedicated health professionals, committed to helping you achieve your functional goals, through an individualised treatment program based on your specific needs.

Our Physiotherapist will visit you in your home, and discuss with you your presenting problem, your general health, and your treatment goals before physically assessing the problem. Using this information he or she will develop an individual Treatment Plan, and treatment usually starts on the first visit. With your permission the physiotherapist will liase with other medical professionals that are treating you to ensure a multi-disciplinary approach to your care.


Care of the Elderly:

As we become older there is a tendency to lose muscle strength, mobility and balance. The effects of osteoporosis can also cause problems within the spine and of certain joints. Physiotherapists are trained in creating programmes which will help to improve your strength, mobility and balance. As a result you will be less at risk of falling.

Following a fracture or period in hospital our therapists can see you at home to help you get going again as soon as possible.


– Post-operative rehabilitation (e.g. knee replacement, hip replacement, shoulder – surgery).
– Falls Risk Assessment and prevention.
– Musculoskeletal Injury Treatment.
– Neurological Rehabilitation (e.g. Stroke, MS, Parkinsons, Motor Neuron Disease).
– Loss of strength after hospitalisation.
– Acute / Chronic pain treatment.
– Arthritis.
– Neck and Back Problems.
– Sciatica.
– Osteoporosis.

Post Surgery & Rheumatology

a. Post Surgery Rehabilitation We work hard with consultants to provide the best outcome from surgery. Our Physiotherapists will assess you soon after surgery and use a number of methods within their extensive knowledge to regain the full movement in your joints, full length of any muscles involved, reduce swelling and restore tissue mobility following surgery. They have the knowledge to help you to walk again properly or move properly after surgery. The ultimate goal being to return you to the hobbies and sports that you love.

b. Rheumatology Physiotherapy A Rheumatic disease is classified by inflammation of the joints, muscles and other connective tissues. The disease can affect just one area or multiple areas throughout the body. There are numerous different types of rheumatic disease and often result in a reduction in body function and mobility.

We can provide experienced Physiotherapists to see you at home and work with you to help you manage your condition. The first time the Physiotherapist visits they will carry out a thorough assessment which includes looking at your mobility and walking aids, muscle strength and joint movement, posture and function. Following the assessment the Physiotherapist will discuss any treatments they can provide and set goals with you to improve your general function and mobility and achieve the maximum potential in your home, work and social life. These treatments can include advice on ice, exercise programmes, massage, taping and mobility practice.

c. Neurological Physiotherapy

Very often people with neurological conditions or who have suffered a neurological incident require intense Physiotherapy from specialised neurological Physiotherapists to address any problems they may develop as a result. Home Care Physio as the name suggests Physiotherapists come to you therefore provides an ideal service for people who have difficulty in getting around and need help to optimise their function at home and in other functions of their daily life.

Some of the neurological conditions we treat include:

– Stroke
– Head Injury
– Spinal Cord Injury
– Multiple Sclerosis
– Motor Neurone Disease
– Parkinsons Disease
– Guillan Barre Syndrome
– Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
– Peripheral Nerve Injury

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